Featured Articles

Are Your Kids Drinking Filtered Water? They Should Be!

Most municipalities rely on chemical treatments, like chlorine, to sanitize water. While these treatments may meet government safety standards, the guidelines are based on an average adult body weight (154...

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Does BOROUX Filter Atrazine?

Atrazine has been shown to have alarming effects on wildlife, such as 'castrating' male frogs, raising concerns about its impact on human health. Filtering atrazine from tap water is essential due...

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The Dangers of PFAS in Your Drinking Water

Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are concerning pollutants prevalent in tap water, stemming from industrial discharge, consumer products, and firefighting foam. Exposure to PFAS poses potential health risks, making water filtration essential....

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Why You Should Filter Your Tap Water

In an era where health-conscious choices are paramount, the debate over the safety and quality of tap water has become increasingly prevalent. Many are turning to water filtration systems as...

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