When to replace the BOROUX foundation filters?
The black BOROUX foundation filters are designed to provide high-quality drinking water for extended periods. Understanding when to replace them is essential to maintain optimal performance. When you really look into how long the filters effectively reduce contaminants, you can see the incredible value of BOROUX.
Factors Influencing Filter Lifespan
The lifespan of your BOROUX foundation filters depends largely on the quality of your unique source of water. Several factors, such as usage, maintenance, and the specific contaminants present in your water, play a determining role in when to replace the filters. Key indicators that it may be time for a replacement include a reduced flow rate and changes in taste, odor, or appearance of the water. These signs suggest that the filter is becoming saturated with contaminants and may no longer be effectively filtering your water.
Determining Replacement Timing
To determine the appropriate time to replace your BOROUX filters, consider the specific contaminants in your source water and their concentrations or quantity. Testing shows the number of gallons that a pair of BOROUX filters are effective at filtering certain contaminants. For example, our testing proves that a pair of filters effectively filters PFAS for 800 gallons (see test reports). If your tap water has PFAS present at 2 ug/L, you’ll want to replace your filter at 800 gallons. It's important to note that this high concentration level is used for testing purposes and is significantly higher than what is typically found in tap water. Therefore, under normal conditions, your filters will likely be effective for more gallons than indicated.
To give a practical estimate, if you consume a gallon of water per day, here's how long each filter will last:
Chlorine: 12000 gallons / 365 gallons per year = 32.88 years
Chloramines: 8000 gallons / 365 gallons per year = 21.91 years
Mercury: 1600 gallons / 365 gallons per year = 4.38 years
PFAS: 800 gallons / 365 gallons per year = 2.19 years
These estimates highlight the longevity and value of BOROUX foundation filters. It's vital to realize that every source water is different and your replacement timing may vary. For best results, replace at the shortest interval. Monitor your water quality and usage for accurate replacement times for continued effective filtration.
Rest Assured
BOROUX offers a 60-day money-back guarantee providing you with peace of mind and assurance in the quality and reliability of our products. The black foundation filters come with a one-year warranty. By replacing your filters at the recommended intervals, you can maximize their effectiveness and maintain the highest water quality standards for your household.
Replacement Recommendations Based on Test Data
We are revolutionizing the testing procedures for the water filter industry. No other water filter product we know of has undergone this detailed and extensive testing. Understanding how the test results are reported helps bring clarity to how the filters actually perform. Thousands of gallons of water are being filtered through these filters in testing so that you know exactly how long the filters last. No extrapolated data.
See Verified Third-Party Filtration Performance Test Results
BOROUX foundation filters have been tested by International Association of Plumbers and Mechanical Officials, Research and Testing (IAPMO R&T) Lab NJ, an ISO/IEC 17025 recognized laboratory. The International Standard Organization (ISO) standard 17025:2017 specifies the general requirements for the competence, impartiality, and consistent operation of laboratories, adhering to the specifications defined in the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards, 42, 53, and 401.
Testing Methodology
A test is run by adding a certain amount of a contaminant to a specific volume of water, then letting that mixture flow through the filter, followed by testing the filtered water to measure the remaining amount of that contaminant. A single filter is used for each test, which means that if you use two filters in your system, the results can be doubled. For example, if the report says 4,500 gallons for a set of filters, it will effectively reduce that contaminant for up to 9,000 gallons.
The water tested after filtration must meet or exceed the NSF standards for each contaminant. The Maximum Allowable Effluent Concentration indicates the accepted contaminant level after filtration.
Testing continues until the amount of a contaminant after passing through the filter matches or exceeds the allowable limit. Where the report states 4,500 gallons, it means 4,500 gallons have actually passed through the filter—no projections or estimations, just actual, factual, verified data.
Replacement Chart
Contaminants | When to replace based on gallonage: | Test Report |
Chlorine | 12,000 (6,000 per filter) gallons | see test report |
Chloramine Lead pH 6.5 |
8,000 (4,000 per filter) gallons | see test report |
Cadmium pH 8.5 Chromium III pH 6.5 Chromium III pH 8.5 |
1,900 (950 per filter) gallons | see test report |
Mercury pH 6.5 Mercury pH 8.5 |
1,600 (800 per filter) gallons | see test report |
Uranium |
1,000 (500 per filter) gallons | see test report |
Lead pH 8.5 |
900 (450 per filter) gallons | see test report |
800 (400 per filter) gallons | see test report |
Cadmium pH 6.5 Glyphosate |
700 (350 per filter) gallons | see test report |
Chromium IV pH 6.5 Chromium IV pH 8.5 Trimethoprim DEET Linuron Metolachlor Carbamazepine Phenytoin Naproxen Estrone Nonylphenol |
500 (250 per filter) gallons | see test report |
Atenolol Meprobamate TCPP Ibprofen Bisphenol A (BPA) Chloroform* *Alachlor *Atrazine *Benzene *carbofuran *carbon tetrachloride *chlorobenzene *chloropicrin *2,4- *dibromochloropropane (DBCP) *o-dichlorobenzene *p-dichlorobenzene *1,2-dichloroethane *1,1-dichloroethylene *cis-1,2-dichloroethylene *trans-1,2-dichloroethylene *1,2-dichloropropane *cis-1,3-dichloropropylene *dinoseb *endrin *ethylbenzene *ethylene dibromide (EDB) *haloacetonitriles (HAN) *bromochloroacetonitrile *dibromoacetonitrile *dichloroacetonitrile *trichloroacetonitrile *haloketones (HK) *1,1-dichloro-2-propanone *1,1,1-trichloro-2-propanone *heptachlor *heptachlor epoxide *hexachlorobutadiene *hexachlorocyclopentadiene *lindane *methoxychlor *pentachlorophenol *simazine *styrene *1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane *tetrachloroethylene *toluene *2,4,5-TP (silvex) *tribromoacetic acid *1,2,4-trichlorobenzene *1,1,1-trichloroethane *1,1,2-trichloroethane *trichloroethylene *trihalomethanes *bromoform *bromodichloromethane *chlorodibromomethane *xylenes (total) |
400 (200 per filter) gallons | see test report |
300 (150 per filter) gallons | see test report |
Gross Beta (cesium) |
100 (50 per filter) gallons | see test report |
If you have questions about recommended replacement or the test reports, contact us.