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Why You Should Filter Chlorine Out of Your Water

Does BOROUX Filter Chlorine?

Yes, BOROUX filters chlorine for 12,000 gallons. See the test results!

What is Chlorine?

Chlorine is a naturally occurring chemical element, symbolized as Cl, present in various forms on the periodic table. It is a highly effective disinfectant and is commonly utilized to treat water, making it safe for human consumption. While chlorine serves a crucial purpose in water treatment, it can also pose health risks if not adequately managed, highlighting the necessity of effective filtration systems like those provided by BOROUX.

Chlorine is widely found in nature, commonly extracted from salt. It is a gas at room temperature known for its distinct, sharp odor. Historically, chlorine has been widely used for sanitation and disinfection due to its exceptional ability to kill bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms. This property makes it a crucial component of water treatment processes.

Why should chlorine be filtered?

Chlorine effectively disinfects water, preventing diseases, but excessive exposure to its byproducts, like trihalomethanes (THMs), is linked to bladder cancer and other health issues. Filtering chlorine is crucial to remove these risks. EPA guidelines deem 4 mg/L of chlorine safe for drinking water. When chlorine combines with natural chemicals, it forms byproducts, some of which can be toxic. Chlorine in drinking water is also associated with rectal and breast cancers. Additionally, chlorine poses threats to individuals undergoing hemodialysis and causes harm to fish by causing shock and even death. Filtering chlorine is essential for a safer water supply.

Health Risks

  • Respiratory Irritation: Breathing in high levels of chlorine gas or its vapors can cause irritation to the respiratory tract. This may manifest as coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and a sore throat.
  • Eye and Skin Irritation: Contact with excessive chlorine, especially in its gaseous form or in highly concentrated solutions, can irritate the eyes and skin. It may cause redness, itching, burning sensation, and in severe cases, chemical burns.
  • Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to chlorine, and exposure can trigger allergic reactions such as hives, rash, or allergic dermatitis.
  • Asthma Exacerbation: People with asthma may experience worsened symptoms or asthma attacks when exposed to high chlorine levels. Chlorine can aggravate respiratory conditions and increase the frequency and severity of asthma symptoms.
  • Digestive Tract Irritation: Ingesting or swallowing high amounts of chlorine, either through contaminated water or other sources, can irritate the digestive tract. This may lead to nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
  • Health Effects from Byproducts: Chlorine can react with organic matter in water to form disinfection byproducts (DBPs) like trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs). Prolonged exposure to these byproducts is associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer, colorectal cancer, and other health issues.

Presence of chlorine in drinking water:

Chlorine is introduced into drinking water during the water treatment process, serving as a disinfectant to eliminate harmful microorganisms. Water treatment facilities carefully regulate the amount of chlorine added to ensure its effectiveness in disinfection while adhering to safety standards. However, excess chlorine or its interaction with other natural compounds in water can lead to the formation of harmful byproducts like trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs), presenting health concerns.

Chlorine Byproducts:

  • Trihalomethanes (THMs): THMs are chemical compounds formed when chlorine reacts with natural organic matter in water, potentially posing health risks like an increased risk of cancer and adverse reproductive outcomes.
  • Haloacetic Acids (HAAs): HAAs, a group of chemical compounds, form during water disinfection when chlorine interacts with natural organic matter, with potential carcinogenic properties warranting concern for long-term exposure.
  • Monochloramine: Monochloramine, formed by combining chlorine and ammonia during water disinfection, serves as an alternative disinfectant with longer-lasting disinfection properties, though prolonged exposure may cause irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat.

How does BOROUX filter chlorine?

BOROUX provides a solution to the health concerns associated with chlorine through its advanced water filtration systems. The BOROUX filters use a granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration method, employing either coconut shells or charcoal as the filtering medium. These filters contain tiny pores that effectively adsorb and absorb organic contaminants, including chlorine and its byproducts while allowing essential minerals to remain in the water.

The filtration process transforms free chlorine into benign, water-soluble chloride atoms, making the water safe and pleasant to consume. Moreover, the filtration method ensures the removal of unwanted odors and tastes, enhancing the overall quality of the water.

Chlorine plays a critical role in ensuring the safety of drinking water by eliminating harmful microorganisms. However, its excessive presence and interaction with natural compounds can lead to health issues. BOROUX's water filtration systems offer an effective solution by removing chlorine and its byproducts, promoting healthier and safer drinking water for all. Investing in BOROUX filtration systems is a step towards better water quality and improved overall well-being.


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