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Does Boroux Change Your Water's pH Level?

And More About Alkaline Water

Depending on the type of water you use, the pH of the water may change after filtering water with BOROUX filters. The pH level may increase slightly, making it more alkaline.

The Filtration Process

When water goes through the filtration process in a BOROUX system the black BOROUX filters reduces over 75 contaminants that may be found in tap water. As a result, BOROUX water has fewer contaminants, which can result in a slight change of the pH of water. BOROUX filters process typically causes pH levels to rise 0.5 - 1.0, making it more alkaline.

What is pH?

pH is a term in chemistry that is used to determine how acidic or alkaline a solution is, including water. The pH scale goes from zero to 14 with higher level solutions considered alkaline and lower level solutions considered acidic. Any solution with a pH below seven is acidic and any solution with a pH above seven is alkaline. Solutions which measure in the middle of the scale are considered neutral.

If you’re drinking truly plain water, the pH level is neutral at seven. The EPA recommends that potable water should have a pH level within the safe range of 6.5 to 8.5. However, the pH of water is not regulated, which is more of a reason why you should filter your water. Take control of your water and its pH level.

The Ph Scale

What is Alkaline Water?

Some people find alkaline water has a slightly more "sweet" taste. While plain water has a neutral pH of seven, alkaline drinking-water has a pH above seven and below nine. Highly alkaline and highly acidic water is dangerous.

The data is mixed on the health benefits of alkaline water, but several studies have found that it helps with acid reflux, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. More research is still needed to support the benefits. When it comes to filtering neutral water, more alkalinity isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

As noted previously, pollutants can increase the acidity in the water. By using a BOROUX to filter out those contaminants, you may notice an increase in alkalinity.

How to Increase the Alkalinity of Water

If interested in drinking water with a slightly higher pH, try out these steps.

1. Improve Your Water with Black BOROUX Filters

All BOROUX systems use black foundation filters, which will reduce the unwanted, acidic substances that decrease water pH, thus increasing pH by 0.5 to 1.0. By doing this, it also serves as an alkaline water filter by increasing alkalinity.

2. Test the pH Level of your Water

This can be done using a pH tester, or pH test strips, which you can find online or at pool stores. Most kits include a scale to refer to in order to determine what pH level your solution is.

3. Add Alkaline Enhancing Elements

If the water pH level still isn’t within the desired range, add other basic products that increase alkalinity such as baking soda, fresh lemons or alkaline drops as directed. When adding baking soda, you only need a small amount (½ teaspoon per one gallon of water) stirred into the water to make alkaline water. However, we do not recommended adding alkaline enhancing elements in a BOROUX system to avoid impacting the quality and longevity of your filters.

4. Re-test your pH level

Test your pH levels again to see if the alkalinity is within your desired range.

5. Add Reservoir Elements

Increase the alkalinity of your water during the filtering process by adding reservoir elements to your BOROUX system’s bottom reservoir. Mineral stones such as Maifan stones boost macronutrients while the bio-ceramic energy balls reduce contaminants, like BOROUX filters. These reservoir elements are normally used in tandem and they help BOROUX filters reduce more contaminants, which increases the pH even more and thus, increases alkalinity.


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